Our country is in distress and half the population does not know it. They will. The other half of us are going to be working to pay for their entitlements. I am going to do my best to be civil and hold my thoughts in prayer. The disrespect and treatment Bush has received has been disgraceful. I am going to try and be bigger than those who publically bashed our president. But showing any sort of respect to a president who has publically bashed our country will be very difficult. I am very disappointed in my fellow Pennsylvanians. I believe we have all become too lazy and life has become too easy that people don't even know how to sit back and look at the issues with a non-partisan eye and a total brain in check. Everyone feels entitled to everything. Sacrifice is no longer the word. (When welfare recipients spend more on their hair and nails than I who works do, there is a problem.) Tears are shed for the damage that will not be undone for a life time once those new Supreme Court Judges are chosen. My grandaughter will have challenges ahead of her that I never dreamed could come to fruition in this great country.
I know...I am afraid to see if Obama will carry through with his threats on homeschoolers, he feels even that should be regulated. I am very very fearful...he has also threatened to shut down conservative talk radio and news...I am wondering what is going to become of our Constitution..does free speech only apply to Liberals? I am fearful our Freedom that so many fought for will slip away gradually.
I am in total agreement with the result of the election but I do think it is time we put all this behind us and once again become the "United" States of America. We can pray for only 4 years!
He's been very straightforward with his ideas and his goals. We won't be able to blame anybody but those who voted for him when it all starts coming true.
I, too, wept for my grands this morning.
I'm sick at heart about the outcome of this election. I can't believe America did not recognize the worth of John McCain. Equally as disturbing, I can't believe that America has totally disregarded everything that came to light about Barack Obama (not to mention all the things that DIDN'T come to light - thanks to his refusal to release them).
Somewhere along the line, many of our citizens because convinced that our government OWES them something...something other than freedom, a right to bear arms and freedom of religion. They seem to think America owes them cash. Period. I'm disgusted by the racism in this election and the downright misleading conduct of the media. But most of all, I blame my fellow Americans...those that voted for themselves instead of for our country. :(
I went to work today and expressed my total disgust with the American people. I said I hope that everyone realizes the implications of this choice. Someone said, "what do you mean?" I mentioned DOMA, Fairness Doctrine and the freedom of choice act. You think I was speaking another language. How can you cast a vote and be so uninformed was my next question. After going through and explaining the implications of each I think a few were wishing they could take their vote for Obama back. A little late, I think.
Are you fundamental christians by any chance? Open your eyes to the world outside America - and see what Bush has done to the rest of the world - financial uncertainty and crisis in almost every country. It makes me so mad to read your comments about Bush... The only thing we should be concerned about is Obama's huge job ahead of him, digging America out of the cirsis it has broeught itself - and the rest of the world into.
Amen Sue !
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