I hate to even give the impression that I follow tabloids. I do not. I probably would not even be interested in these two if they did not live in the same area where I just moved from. I have friends who have helped these folks and later were hurt by these same folks. I have driven by all three of their homes over the years just out of curiousity. I have seen the children playing in their preschool classroom and I have listened to my son and daughter in law as they have seen them out and about. Yeah, I guess you could say I am curious about this family. Now I am simply saddened. Parenting is a tough job for anyone and I can't imagine a large family of multiples such as this BUT the decision to become parents is a deliberate one and was especially deliberate with this couple. All parents face challenges and make sacrifices. We never know exactly what the challenges will be when we sign up for parenthood. I do stand firmly in my belief that the best gift we can give to our children is to love the other parent, and hopefully he or she is our spouse.
My curiosity led me to watch Monday's airing of this family's life (probably the 4th time I have been curious enough to do so). I was so sad as I watched. It seemed to me that there were 10 children and not 8. I wanted to shake that mom and dad and tell them to grow up! I don't think either has heard the word sacrifice. Perhaps the greatest gift they can give their children, in addition to loving one another, is to sacrifice this show and their earnings from it. Is this really the best way to raise children? Stuff is destroyed and long forgotten by children but the love of family remains as do memories-both good and bad. (Had these parents planned accordingly, they probably would have had enough money to live comfortably from this point on.) Shame on TLC for promoting this abuse on the children. That is what I believe this public airing of these parents' behaviors is.
I totally agree! Kate seems so wrapped up in promoting her books and he seems depressed from "having" to stay at home with the kids all the time....bummer! He should be thankful to be home with them.
I agree, quit the show if it is causing marriage troubles. Family is what matters, not money!
I too do not follow tabloid nor do I watch this show, but I was at my Aunts that night and we watched it. I found myself thinking, where is the love in this family? I am not saying they don't love each other or the kids but boy the actions certainly spoke louder than words in my opinion. I certainly pray that they can get past the media, the scandals and the selfishness to see what really matters...Family!
I, too, am not a follower of this show but I have watched from time to time so that I can carry on a conversation when it is discussed at work. I have not ever supported the idea of exploiting their family for the show/money. These kids don't have a choice to have the whole world looking on. They are being exploited by their parents. We cannot put the blame on TLC or TV...they couldn't do it without the permission of the parents. I say if you cannot afford a big family then don't have them. But this is not the way to support them. Get off the air and think about what you are doing to these kids...
Amen to that!
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