Notice, I called them anonymouse- they are so brave that they can't even leave their contact information-they leave their little droppings and then crawl into a corner to hide. I had a good chuckle today as I got some really ugly comments on my posting praising McCain. Those liberal democrats are such kind, loving people....I am surprised everyone does not want to join them! (HA, HA) They know nothing more than to use ugly words and call people names- so big of them! They have further cemented my convictions to never vote for a liberal democrat.
So sad when someone uses their time to make comments against someone else. I have read plenty of blog posts I disagree with yet would never dream of leaving a negative comment on their blog. We each have the right to our own words and blogs are a great opportunity to share them but not the space to squash others' voices.
One of the great things about our country is the freedom to express our thoughts and beliefs. Unfortunately liberal democrats only think it is ok if you are in agreement with them. They are the first to yell if someone tries to silence their voice yet they never have the courtesy of their convictions to allow others the same opportunities. I think it is because they are afraid. As I look at Sarah Palin I see a woman who has done everything that I was told to do in my liberal women's college of the 70's yet now she gets so much flack from liberals. Why? I believe it is because she is not afraid to share her faith. I applaud a person who is not afraid to share her convictions
Someone accused me of not being very intelligent- ironically I have lots of letters after my name and teach for a very big University. I am used to being the minority each day at work so these attacks are nothing more than humorous to me.
If it is cathartic for you to send ugly notes, go ahead- maybe it somehow assuages your guilt at making such wrong decisions. It certainly will not sway me and it certainly will never be approved for publication on my blog.