Beginning a blog at the busiest time of year is probably not the smartest thing to do! I thought I would learn how to add photos and use blogspot by adding some photos from around our home. I am married to a wonderfully talented man who has helped to make our home cozy with his great creations!

Joe painted the stairway about 10 years ago and I have yet to pick up the pearls!

We had so much fun creating this faux fireplace in our dining room. Purely decorative, we painted each "shard" by hand. Each brings back a memory of a dish we've owned at one point in our lives. We had so much fun sitting together and painting this!

Once our boys married, Joe painted a picture of each from photos taken in childhood. This painting is of our oldest son Joey standing by the big tree at my parents' home.

Tom loved to go to the playground with my mother when he was little. This painting is from a picture she took of him on one of their adventures.