What a wonderful week! Next year I want
two weeks in Cape May. We had a chance to be together as a family-four generations. Unfortunately I am not known to be a photographer- brought the camera and realized today that I never took pictures. Too busy enjoying every minute.
It is so wonderful how the Lord plans surprises in our days. He gave us a great one on vacation. A fisherman walked by as we were sitting on the beach. Tom said, "Hey Mom, isn't that Ray." Knowing he was on vacation that week and assuming he had gone out of town, I said, "No, doesn't look like him." Joe walked down to the water and the fisherman approached him. It was Ray! A dear friend for more than 30 years. What a delight to spend the evening with him!! It truly was a gift perfectly timed by our Father!
We hated to leave Cape May but it is also good to be home. It is the first time we have returned from vacation to plants that are still green and growing- thanks to our faithful wate

rers! I missed my peonies and small iris in bloom but came home to lots of roses....and weeds! There is a reason I call my blog Thistlepatch Hill!
My husband knows me through and through. While on a bike ride through Cape May Point he found a bucket just like the one at the right sitting in someone's garbage. He rescued it for me! I can't wait to plant it and add it to the others that I have throughout the yard.
I've gotta get things in shape for
Tracey's Garden Tour.

Roberta's babies are getting bigger. It was so hot today that I wanted to leave the front door open so they could get some air conditioning.