I am still really swamped between work and home but am going to take a few minutes to get to this.....
Vee invited me to participate in the Bookworm Award. Here is how it works: Pass this on to five blogging friends. (I'm going to change this to 3) Open the closest book to you, not your favorite or most intellectual book, but the book closest to you at the moment, to page 56. Write out the 5th sentence, as well as two to five sentences following that...
The closest book to me is the Food Lover's Companion by Sharon Tyler Herbst. I get a lot of Consumer Calls and use this as a quick reference as well as for questions I get for my newspaper column so it is usually close by. As for page 56..."the blintz is rolled to enclose a sweet or savory filling including cottage or ricotta cheese, fruit or meat mixtures. It's then sauteed until golden brown and served with sour cream." Not including the next sentence as it is on bloaters (herring)! I do love blintzes, though!
Let's see if any of these bloggers want to play:
Kristine at These are My Words
Robin at Bittersweek Punkin
Donna at Cottage Days
You're a sweetie for participating right in the middle of all that you are doing. Thanks!
Now you have me wanting to find a recipe for blintzes. After baking Alice's cookies today... Well, it just wouldn't be a good thing.
Take care and pop in when you can. Will be thinking of you.
It is Sunday afternoon and I finally have some time to read my favorite blogs and see you've included me in this challenge. I'll play along...thanks Sue!
Happy to see another post here!!!
And guess what? Americans are getting uneasy... Imagine that! >,-)
The phoenix
Hate to put good news, at the bottom of an older post comments, but...
Just when we thought there were no same voices in Congress...
Please find that there is a Sane Voice in Congress! And we need to back him up.
The Phoenix
Oh..I'm a slowpoke too...I have 2 tags now....LOL.
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