Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So where and what do you want to write?

As soon as I saw this post on Ruthie's blog I had to run out (with my coupon) and get some of these chalk markers. They are really neat and do wipe right off with a damp rag. They do work well on my chalkboard but today I decided it would be a great way to keep my weekly verse in my face so put it on the fridge!

Oh and it's amazing the notes you can leave in the strangest places. I know, I tried and my husband chuckled all the way to bed as he found them EVERYWHERE!


Vee said...

Where did you find them, Sue? In a specialty craft store? When I saw them at Ruthann's, I knew that I'd be getting some, too. I have always avoided the chalkboard look (save for one tiny one) because I didn't like the smudgy look. I blamed my teaching years. Ha!

Yours look great!

Sue said...

I got them at Michaels but had to ask where I would find them- not with the markers but rather over on the scrapbooking side of the store. Use a coupon- I thought they were a bit pricey.

Donna said...

Thank you so much for posting about this! Love it!!!!! I'll have to look for the markers at Michael's!

Liz Harrell said...

Chalk markers sound fantastic! I'll have to get some of those, but I wonder if I can use them on stainless steel?

Anonymous said...

What a great idea. I wish they were around when my kids were smaller.

Maybe I'll get some for my nieces.

Hope you're doing well

Becky K. said...

Awww Sue,

Greetings from PA!

Wish you could join us for our upcoming blogger meet up at Longwood.

My mother in law always had little chalkboards with neat messages around her house as did her mother. We inherited one. I should go write something spring-y on it.

Judy said...

Well...I came over here to thank you for your visit this morning...and I am so glad I did! I love your chalkboard ideas...and went over to check out Aunt Ruthie's blog...and I am so impressed. I am off in search of chalkboard markers!

And I was wondering if anyone still used good old-fashioned chalkboards? Now I know.

Kristine said...

Thanks for turning me onto these markers Sue...since I live in small town America, I had to order these on-line. You are right, they are kinda pricey...but oh so much fun! Thanks again!