Michelle Obama is making news again. This time it is not over her shoes but instead over the purse she carried while in Moscow. (The White House denied that she was carrying the $5950 bag and said instead she carried an $875 bag despite a VBH rep IDing the bag as theirs.) Quite honestly I could care less what purses most folks carry. My attitude has always been, if you can afford it, spend it and stimulate this economy. My problem lies in the fact that we are being told by this administration that it is evil to be rich. We are also told that we need to conserve and be aware that our country is hurting.
Ahem...(clearing my throat)...psssst....Mrs. Obama, did you hear that? Why can't these people walk the walk we are supposed to do blindly? Oh...are there different rules for different folks? Could she have not settled for a bag from TJMax and given the difference to one of her favorite charities...like ACORN? Or perhaps this was a gift? I guess the giver had to buy it and it stimulated the economy somewhere along the way (probably provided more economic stimulation than her husband's efforts).
Don't worry, I won't be buying one of these bags. Soon the handbag industry may need a government bailout as none of us will have any money to carry around.
I heard about this, too. It does seem prety hypocritical to me, after she made such a BIG DEAL about the non-designer clothes (TJ Maxx, etc) that she wears and after the media had such a field day with Sarah Palin's wardrobe...
The hypocrisy is appalling. She pretends that she is a regular gal who does budget shopping. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's all spin.
And to spend that kind of money for a stupid purse also shows that she has more money than common sense.
I can't imagine that any of us are really surprised are we....they tell us anything until they are elected. Not just a Democrat problem but a politician problem, don't you think?
Ditto --- my thoughts exactly. I could care less about the cost of Michelle Obama's handbag --- except that over and over again her husband has told us that as Americans we are to sacrifice (as though we have been evil and reckless). A double-standard? Perhaps. . .
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