39 brave men changed the course of our history by signing the U.S. Constitution. I am thankful for their willingness to stand proudly and do what was right. We need more brave men today.
The website for the Constitution Center in Philadelphia has some information you might be interested in, including a sample naturalization test.
Amen, we need a TON of good men and women to turn our nation back to God and good principles. Thanks for posting this!
Love coming for a visit to you, cause you always have just what I need to hear on your post! Today I was so sad to hear BO had taken away the missiles that are protecting our freedom, we need a bunch of brave people to stand up and fight back against this mess, I am standing firm as a prayer warrior and writing my public servants to let them know how I feel!
Bless you so much!
Donna Lynn
We need some patriots to take a stand FOR this country and its citizens rather than the special interest groups! The Constitution is this country's bible - our representatives must follow it, per their oaths for office!
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